4 Quotes & Sayings By Ryan Stiles

Ryan Stiles is the owner of Stiletto Marketing, where he works with entrepreneurs to build their brands through social media marketing. He is also the host of the Stiletto Marketing Podcast, which helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses through social media marketing. Ryan is also the owner of Stiletto Social Media, which helps entrepreneurs grow businesses by building them on the backs of influencers. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and daughter.

I did standup for a lot of years, too, but when you come out as a standup, you get the feeling from a crowd - it's a kind of a 'make me laugh' attitude. But when you come out as an improvisor, they realize that they're suggesting everything you do. So they're already invested in the scene, and they actually want it to work. Ryan Stiles
Never trust sheep. Ryan Stiles
I'm going to buy some green bananas because by the time I get home they'll be ripe. Ryan Stiles